Cohort 29

  • Blueprints
  • Children’s Advocacy Center for Lawrence County, Inc.
  • Community Action Partnership of Lancaster County
  • Family Connection of Easton
  • Family Services of Montgomery County
  • Lancaster General Health
  • Maternal and Family Health Services, Inc.
  • Maternity Care Coalition

Cohort 30

  • Community Connections for Children (formerly Child Care Consultants, Inc.)
  • Columbia County Family Center
  • Family Service Association of Bucks County
  • Jim Thorpe Area School District – Carbon County Right From the Start
  • Maternal and Child Health Consortium
  • National Nurse-Led Care Consortium
  • The Learning Lamp

Cohort 31

  • Family Service of Chester County
  • Philadelphia Health Management Corporation (PHMC)

Cohort 32

  • Helping Hands Ministry

Cohort 29


Evidence-based Program: Nurturing Parenting– Prenatal Program

Description: Expectant families and those with infants will participate in nine parenting education sessions in a group setting focused on prenatal health and infant development. CTF funds will allow the grantee to establish this program in the community.

Counties Served: Washington and Greene

Children’s Advocacy Center for Lawrence County, Inc.

Evidence-based Program: Nurturing Parenting – Infants, Toddlers and Preschoolers Comprehensive Model

Description: Families with children birth to kindergarten will receive weekly individual sessions in the home or other agreed upon location. CTF funds will allow the grantee to establish this program in the community and focus on serving families experiencing opioid/substance use disorder.

County Served: Lawrence

Community Action Partnership of Lancaster County

Evidence-based Program: Parents as Teachers

Description: Expectant families and those with children birth to kindergarten will receive personal visits conducted in the home or virtually, group connections, developmental and health screenings, and connections to resources in the community. CTF funds will allow the grantee to expand services in the Elizabethtown area.

County Served: Lancaster

Family Connection of Easton

Evidence-based Program: Parent Child +

Description: Families with children aged 16 months to four years old receive twice weekly home visits for 25 weeks per year for two years, educational field trips and parent meet-ups. CTF funds will allow the grantee to continue services in the community.

County Served: Northampton

Family Services of Montgomery County

Evidence-based Program: Standard Triple P

Description: Expectant families and those with up to age three will receive either individual or group-based sessions. The individual program consists of 10 one-on-one sessions. The group program is eight sessions with sessions 1 through 4 delivered in a group format, sessions 5 through 7 individually in-person or via telephone, and culminating in session eight where the group comes back together. CTF funds will allow the grantee to continue delivering this program in English and Spanish in the community.

County Served: Montgomery

Lancaster General Health

Evidence-based Program: Moving Beyond Depression

Description: Participants in the Nurse Family Partnership Program who screen positive for depressive symptoms receive 15-18 in-home cognitive behavioral therapy sessions. CTF funds will allow the grantee to expand the delivery of this program in the community.

County Served: Lancaster

Maternal and Family Health Services, Inc.

Evidence-based Program: Nurse Family Partnership – Maternal-Child Advocate

Description: CTF funds will allow the grantee to establish a Maternal-Child Advocate position that will provide resource navigation and intensive case management for families enrolled in the Nurse Family Partnership program. The Maternal Child Advocate will also develop relationships in the community and provide support to the nurse home visitors.

County Served: Lackawanna

Maternity Care Coalition

Evidence-Based Program: Growing Great Kids

Description: Expectant families and those with children up to age six will receive 12 group-based parenting education sessions using the Growing Great Kids curriculum. CTF funds will allow the grantee to expand their program in the community.

Counties Served: Bucks and Montgomery

Cohort 30

Community Connections for Children (formerly Child Care Consultants, Inc.)

Evidence-based Program: Parents as Teachers

Description: Expectant families and those with children birth to kindergarten will receive personal visits conducted in the home or virtually, group connections, developmental and health screenings, and connections to resources in the community. CTF funds will allow the grantee to continue Parents as Teachers services in the York community.

County Served: York

Columbia County Family Center

Evidence-based Program: Standard Triple P

Description: Families with children ages 5 through 12 will receive 10 in-home parenting sessions, telephone support between visits, and connections to resources in the community. CTF funds will allow the grantee to establish this program in six Columbia County school districts.

County Served: Columbia

Family Service Association of Bucks County

Evidence-based Program: 24/7 Dad and Nurturing Parenting – Spanish Speaking Parents and Their Children Birth to 12 years

Description: Through the Nurturing Parenting program parents and caregivers participate in an average of 12 weekly parenting education sessions in a group setting. Fathers and male caregivers in the 24/7 Dad program participate in 12 weekly parenting education sessions in a group setting. CTF funds will allow the grantee to add a bilingual staff member to deliver the two parenting education programs and supportive case management services to Spanish-speaking families.

County Served: Bucks

Jim Thorpe Area School District – Carbon County Right From the Start

Evidence-based Program: Parents as Teachers

Description: Expectant families and those with children birth to kindergarten will receive personal visits conducted in the home or virtually, group connections, developmental and health screenings, and connections to resources in the community. CTF funds will allow the grantee to continue Parents as Teachers services in the community.

County Served: Carbon

Maternal and Child Health Consortium

Evidence-based Program: Parents as Teachers

Description: Expectant families and those with children birth to kindergarten will receive personal visits conducted in the home or virtually, group connections, developmental and health screenings, and connections to resources in the community. CTF funds will allow the grantee to continue Parents as Teachers services in the community with a focus on serving fathers.

County Served: Chester

National Nurse-Led Care Consortium

Evidence-based Program: Nursing-Legal Partnership

Description: CTF funds will allow the grantee to expand their Nurse-Legal Partnership program to include complex case navigation for families and administration of a Family Emergency Fund to address basic needs.

County Served: Philadelphia

The Learning Lamp

Evidence-based Program: Parents as Teachers

Description: Expectant families and those with children birth to kindergarten will receive personal visits conducted in the home or virtually, group connections, developmental and health screenings, and connections to resources in the community. CTF funds will allow the grantee to establish a Parents as Teachers program in the community.

County Served: Fayette

Cohort 31

Family Service of Chester County

Evidence-based Program: The Exchange Club Family Center (ECFC)

Description: Low-income families voluntarily engage with this evidence-informed, long-term intervention program. ECFC is home-centered and personalized to each family, focusing on the creation of a safe, healthy household by addressing tangible, short term needs, such as food, clothing, and shelter. An integrative action plan is developed with long term family goals, including parenting skills. The CTF grant will focus services with the Hispanic community within Chester County.

County Served: Chester

Philadelphia Health Management Corporation (PHMC)

Evidence-based Program: Parent Child+

Description: The literacy-rich home visiting program is implemented with families with children less than 2 years old. Visits emphasize involving the caregiver and include providing curricular materials (high-quality books, educational toys, materials, guide sheets). Staff model pro-literacy behaviors for parents and pro-social behaviors for children. Visits are conducted in a culturally appropriate manner and with flexibility to accommodate families’ schedules and regular benchmarking of progress. The CTF funds will provide Parent Child+ services in north and west Philadelphia.

County Served: Philadelphia